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 January 13th-16th 2014

we had designed those days several months ago while people were busy with thermodynamic exam.

YES, i still remember when i and 4 of my friends started that kind of wild and brave steps 6 months ago. Jogja-Malang-Bromo! as we five are just teen and all girls, i am very very proud of our decision!

well, this year we wouldn't pass our holiday without going somewhere together. six of us deserved it in BALI.
it was my first time to go there! we planed anything via line and finally met up one day before. But everything about this holiday was perfect! there were 4 amazing days and here is the routes :

1st day : earlier in the morning we met at Hussein Sastranegara airport. 8:00 am we arrived at Ngurah Rai airport and had a breakfast at Solaria while waiting for the rent car that we'd got from internet. not long and the car finally came! we didn't have a driver because my friend , faustine, had been really expert to take the role. we got the car only with 180.000/day, cool isn't it?

-our first destination was UBUD. we visited Blue Lagoon Beach where was so close with Lombok ferriage. The beach was the most beautiful i'd ever seen and we were the only indonesian at that time, 2 of my friends were snorkeling while the others "selfie" and playing sands.

-next we had lunch in "Bebek Bengil", a popular restaurant in Ubud, it was expensive actually but the place had a nice view of  rice field so that was okay!
- then we went to our inn, the place wasn't so far from ubud main street! good looking,cozy, and of course CHEAP!
-in the evening : we went to look around in ubud , at 19.00 we had 2hours SPA. oh it was perfect! but it won't complete without coffe times! so...we made it!

2nd day : what a long day!
- 07.30 : check out from hotel
- 09.00 : Big shopping at Sukawati traditional market
- Water sport at Tanjung Benoa ( Fitha,Karina,Fani, and me got the chance to try donat boat! not that dangerous but not that easy too)
-KFC for lunch
-GBK (damn GPS which guided us to unpredictable way)
-Uluwatu temple ( a lot of monkey, a lot of tourist, a lot of stairs, and a very beautiful view of sun set)
I was so bad tired! but our day had not finished yet. we spent a romantic seafood dinner at Jimbaran beach (08:00-09:00 pm) , with candle light and sound of wave, we awe the day!
one which couldn't be forgotten was the way that we passed to reach our second inn, late and very quite night then finally arrived!as information, we were the only visitor in that inn. whatever, good night for everyone...

3rd day : KUTA
-earlier in the morning : Padang-padang beach which wasn't far from our inn...

-We spent almost a day at Waterboom Bali! so much fun! and for the second time " are we the only indonesian here?"
- lunch : ayam betutu
-16.00 pm : Kuta traditional market
finally we enjoyed the popular sunset of Kuta beach!

we then went looking around just for enjoying the view of some beautiful buildings, but we'd been really tired to not gave up
 That night, we didn't get only a room to rest, but we had a house! it was a total day for us

4th day : BANDUNG
you know, sometimes we ate our breakfast just in the car, and we did enjoy the moments!
-09.00 am : shopping for souvenir
-12.00 am : flight

welcome to Bandung!
suddenly, the holiday just like a short dream in a very long sleep for us .
and that's why i am writing them now
because i won't  those days gone so fast.

Bye-bye Holiday :)


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