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Gallery of a longing

"12 august, the same day while i was leaving a gentle summer in a part of the world out there, i still can't move my mind from thinking about the last sunset that i saw while waiting my bus beside Danube river, about the liveliness of the little children in Skolka Sovicka, about the taste of fresh apricot in the backyard, about the warmth inside of  the circle of foreigner that turn into a very great friends, and of course about every weekend that changed me as a better admire of this life. i miss you and it will never enough..."

some pictures from some pages of this journey :
 Prague,Czech Republic, Charles Bridge
 Bratislava,Slovakia, Old town

 Vlcie Hrdlo 74, room number 115


may be this is the longest 2 months in my life.this summer is the last celebration of my teens age.

I will never know what kind of life waiting for me after this year, what i know is i will come back to the city where i study, follow the hard flow of engineering school again...but now i really want to make my graduation faster since i need to build my fund to come back again one day to Europe and all the things inside it.


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Greetings from sunny Jakarta, Gw tiba-tiba ingin sekali mereview jurusan kuliah yang sudah membawa gw ke tingkat kebahagiaan level bintang lima untuk ukuran mahasiswi teknik biasa-perantau-tidak begitu menonjol di Kampus Ganesha yang rumornya tidak mudah ditaklukan ini (read: kamu harus berusaha dg gigih ). So, anggaplah itu sesuatu yang spesial untuk dikenang. Sebagai ucapan terimakasih, mari kita mulai mereview! Dimulai dari apa itu Manajemen Rekayasa Industri kali ya. Manajemen Rekayasa Industri itu program studi/jurusan under Fakultas Teknologi Industri, yang keilmuannya sangat dekat dengan Teknik Industri which is the major you guys are much more familiar with, kan. Next question mungkin adalah " Apa bedanya sih Teknik Industri (TI) dan Manajemen Rekayasa Industri (MRI)? ". Gw akan menjawab dengan cerita seperti ini, supaya mudah di digest: Sebut saja kipas angin ya (efek jakarta panas & benda yang kebetulan ada di depan mata). Sebut saja brand-nya X. Ki...


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50 days of Summer

Hi, it's been a very long time since the last time i wrote. time flies and direct us in unknown path right? everything exist and go. :) well, this is a very important year where tons of things happen and leave some of them to be learned. today, 04-08-2014, at 12:00 pm, it is almost tomorrow now, with heavy rain is coming down outside, i just kind of avoiding to sleep, or may be not be able to sleep right this time. I'm at home now, in Padang, having last time of this very long summer holiday after 4th Semester was done. If i could honestly tell you, last semester i learned more about decision and strength than whatever the class gave to me, i need to determine my priority between dream and reality. you know, i have a very big dream to go abroad since very long time, it means so damn big to me, i really don't know where the power came from, but even it was kind of very hard since i need to sacrifice my health and my classes to do all preparations, but sure i did! this e...